Relieve Health Group

Relieve Health Group

“Diabetes Foot Disease: The Hidden Aussie Financial Crisis”

“Diabetes-related foot disease (DFD) is not just a health issue, but a significant financial burden in Australia. The high costs associated with DFD treatment highlight the urgent need for preventative measures and early intervention strategies.”

“Military Fitness Test: Unravelling the Injury Risk Factors”

“Injuries during military fitness tests vary based on gender, rank, and parity. Women, Non-Commissioned Members, and those who have given birth are more prone to specific injuries. Tailored physical fitness support may be beneficial for these groups.”

“Fatigue Hinders Balance Training: A Groundbreaking Study”

“Fatigue can negatively impact balance training, according to a new study. The research suggests that balance training should be done at the start of a workout, when the body is not yet fatigued, for optimal results. This insight could revolutionise injury prevention in sports.”

“Jump Higher, Land Safer with Gluteal Warm-ups!”

“Gluteal resistance exercises as part of your warm-up may not drastically change your landing mechanics, but they can help improve neuromuscular control and performance. This could potentially reduce the risk of knee injuries. However, don’t expect immediate changes after just one session.”

AI: The Future of Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation?

Despite 70% of acute ankle sprain patients experiencing recurring issues, AI is showing promise as a tool to identify definitive predictors for ankle sprains, potentially revolutionising rehabilitation strategies.

“Revolutionary Coding System to Slash Ankle Surgery Redos”

“A new coding system for reoperations in end-stage ankle arthritis could help reduce the number of repeat surgeries. By understanding the reasons for failure, we can improve outcomes and save both patients and the healthcare system time and money.”

“Athletes Beware: The Rising Threat of Lisfranc Injuries”

“Lisfranc injuries, affecting the midfoot, are on the rise among athletes. These injuries require surgical intervention to restore function and enable return to sport. This piece explores the anatomy, causes, prevalence, treatments, and outcomes of Lisfranc injuries, with a special focus on athletes.”

“Falls Risk: Machine Learning to the Rescue!”

“Machine learning is stepping up in health informatics, aiding in predicting falls risk among older adults. By analysing gait, it can classify individuals as fallers or non-fallers, potentially revolutionising falls prevention efforts.”