Relieve Health Group

Relieve Health Group

MHE Grid Updates

Stay up to date with headlines from the latest journal articles and health outlets from around the world.

“Diabetes Foot Disease: The Hidden Aussie Financial Crisis”

“Diabetes Foot Disease: The Hidden Aussie Financial Crisis”

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March 11, 2024
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“Diabetes Foot Disease: The Hidden Aussie Financial Crisis”

“Diabetes-related foot disease (DFD) is not just a health issue, but a significant financial burden in Australia. The high costs associated with DFD treatment highlight the urgent need for preventative measures and early intervention strategies.”

“Military Fitness Test: Unravelling the Injury Risk Factors”

“Military Fitness Test: Unravelling the Injury Risk Factors”

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March 11, 2024
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“Military Fitness Test: Unravelling the Injury Risk Factors”

“Injuries during military fitness tests vary based on gender, rank, and parity. Women, Non-Commissioned Members, and those who have given birth are more prone to specific injuries. Tailored physical fitness support may be beneficial for these groups.”

“Fatigue Hinders Balance Training: A Groundbreaking Study”

“Fatigue Hinders Balance Training: A Groundbreaking Study”

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March 11, 2024
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“Fatigue Hinders Balance Training: A Groundbreaking Study”

“Fatigue can negatively impact balance training, according to a new study. The research suggests that balance training should be done at the start of a workout, when the body is not yet fatigued, for optimal results. This insight could revolutionise injury prevention in sports.”

“Jump Higher, Land Safer with Gluteal Warm-ups!”

“Jump Higher, Land Safer with Gluteal Warm-ups!”

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March 11, 2024
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“Jump Higher, Land Safer with Gluteal Warm-ups!”

“Gluteal resistance exercises as part of your warm-up may not drastically change your landing mechanics, but they can help improve neuromuscular control and performance. This could potentially reduce the risk of knee injuries. However, don’t expect immediate changes after just one session.”

“Hip Surgery: Unique Recovery Paths for Different Genders”

“Hip Surgery: Unique Recovery Paths for Different Genders”

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March 11, 2024
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“Hip Surgery: Unique Recovery Paths for Different Genders”

“Hip-related pain sufferers may experience unique changes in joint stiffness post-surgery, suggesting that recovery paths may differ between genders. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between joint stiffness and treatment outcomes.”


“Diabetes Foot Disease: The Hidden Aussie Financial Crisis”

"Diabetes-related foot disease (DFD) is not just a health issue, but a significant financial burden in Australia. The high costs associated with DFD treatment highlight the urgent need for preventative measures and early intervention strategies."

“Military Fitness Test: Unravelling the Injury Risk Factors”

"Injuries during military fitness tests vary based on gender, rank, and parity. Women, Non-Commissioned Members, and those who have given birth are more prone to specific injuries. Tailored physical fitness support may be beneficial for these groups."

“Fatigue Hinders Balance Training: A Groundbreaking Study”

"Fatigue can negatively impact balance training, according to a new study. The research suggests that balance training should be done at the start of a workout, when the body is not yet fatigued, for optimal results. This insight could revolutionise injury prevention in sports."

“Jump Higher, Land Safer with Gluteal Warm-ups!”

"Gluteal resistance exercises as part of your warm-up may not drastically change your landing mechanics, but they can help improve neuromuscular control and performance. This could potentially reduce the risk of knee injuries. However, don't expect immediate changes after just one session."

“Hip Surgery: Unique Recovery Paths for Different Genders”

"Hip-related pain sufferers may experience unique changes in joint stiffness post-surgery, suggesting that recovery paths may differ between genders. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between joint stiffness and treatment outcomes."

AI: The Future of Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation?

Despite 70% of acute ankle sprain patients experiencing recurring issues, AI is showing promise as a tool to identify definitive predictors for ankle sprains, potentially revolutionising rehabilitation strategies.

“Unseen Gait Changes in Knee Osteoarthritis Uncovered!”

"A single inertial measurement unit in an insole can reveal hidden differences in foot movement during walking between healthy individuals and those with knee osteoarthritis. This highlights the unnoticed dysfunction in toe-off push and initial contact shock absorption on the affected side."

“Medially Wedged Orthoses: The Secret to Better Lower Limb Function?”

"Medially wedged foot orthoses outperform thin-flexible ones in enhancing lower limb function during unilateral drop jumps. They show potential in improving hip stability, suggesting a need for personalised orthotic selection based on individual biomechanical profiles."

“Shake Up Your Ankle Stability with Vibrations and PNF!”

"Whole-body vibration training and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) could be game-changers for those with unstable ankles. These methods may boost neuromuscular function around the ankle, reducing injury risk during lateral movements."

“Unravelling the Mystery of Gait in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome”

"People with hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome walk differently due to hip extensor weakness. Understanding why this happens and its impact on joint health is crucial for future research and treatment."

“Knee Osteoarthritis: Unveiling the Hidden Factors”

"Knee size, osteoarthritis severity, and quadriceps muscle volume are key factors affecting the knee extensor moment arm in knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, lateral patellar displacement influences the valgus knee moment arms in older individuals."

“Revolutionary Insight into Post-Surgery Tibial Alignment!”

"New findings suggest that asymmetry in the tibia can significantly affect post-surgery alignment. Therefore, it's crucial to correct for these differences before assessing the accuracy of tibial component alignment. This could be a game-changer in achieving better surgical outcomes."

“Sesamoid Position: The Secret to Successful Bunion Surgery?”

"The position of the tibial sesamoid bone after bunion surgery can significantly impact patient satisfaction and functional outcome. Correcting the sesamoid position to a grade of IV or less can lead to improved results and happier patients."

“Untreated Hallux Valgus: A Hidden Threat to Quality of Life”

"Untreated symptomatic hallux valgus significantly lowers quality of life, more so than the general population. Interestingly, the severity of toe deformities doesn't directly correlate with quality of life or clinical evaluations. This suggests that surgical decisions should consider patient's quality of life, not just the severity of the deformity."

“Foot Pain Linked to Gastrocnemius Contracture!”

"Foot and ankle pain could be due to a gastrocnemius contracture, as patients with this condition have been found to have less ankle dorsiflexion. This is the largest study to date that uses a validated measurement device and a control group."

“Revolutionary Coding System to Slash Ankle Surgery Redos”

"A new coding system for reoperations in end-stage ankle arthritis could help reduce the number of repeat surgeries. By understanding the reasons for failure, we can improve outcomes and save both patients and the healthcare system time and money."

“Athletes Beware: The Rising Threat of Lisfranc Injuries”

"Lisfranc injuries, affecting the midfoot, are on the rise among athletes. These injuries require surgical intervention to restore function and enable return to sport. This piece explores the anatomy, causes, prevalence, treatments, and outcomes of Lisfranc injuries, with a special focus on athletes."

“Unmasking the Mystery of Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome”

"Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome (BMES) is a rare condition causing extreme pain in the lower limbs, often misdiagnosed due to its uncommon occurrence and vague symptoms. Early detection is crucial to alleviate pain and improve patient's quality of life. Treatment options are limited but can include medication and surgery."

“Third Screw’s the Charm: Boosting Joint Compression”

"Adding a third screw to the subtalar joint arthrodesis procedure significantly increases compression, potentially improving fusion outcomes. This insight could help podiatrists make more informed decisions about screw selection and placement."

“Suture-Button vs Screw: Which Reigns Supreme for Syndesmotic Injuries?”

"In the battle of suture-button constructs versus screw fixation for syndesmotic injuries, the screw wins. It allows less sagittal plane motion, suggesting a more stable repair. This could impact postoperative care and patient outcomes."

“Ankle Stress: The Unsung Hero Role of Synovial Fluid”

"Synovial fluid, often overlooked, plays a significant role in distributing stress within the ankle. This fluid could be the key to delaying arthritis onset in minimally misaligned ankles, acting as a protective buffer in injury states."

“Revolutionary Achilles Repair Technique: No Complications!”

"A new minimally invasive Achilles reconstruction method has shown promising results. The technique, involving a central turndown flap and semitendinosus augmentation, has led to improved patient outcomes with zero complications. It's a game-changer for Achilles repair."

“Ankle Surgery Pain? Preemptive Local Anesthesia is the Answer!”

"Preemptive local anesthesia in ankle arthroscopy significantly reduces postoperative pain and the need for additional analgesics. It's a safe procedure with minimal side effects, making recovery smoother and faster."

“Screw or Suture? The Best Fix for Ankle Injuries”

"When treating syndesmotic injuries, both screw and suture-button techniques show similar functional outcomes. However, screw fixation can cause issues with fibular rotation, while suture-button fixation can increase the volume of the distal tibiofibular space."

“Revolutionary Ankle Fusion Tackles Severe Arthritic Deformity”

"Ankle fusion combined with calcaneal sliding osteotomy offers a promising solution for severe arthritic ball and socket ankle deformity. Despite a higher complication rate, this method provides reliable pain relief, restores gait ability and significantly improves quality of life."

“Sesamoid Shifts: The Hidden Culprit in Hallux Valgus Woes”

"The study reveals a strong link between the lateral shift of the tibial sesamoid and the progression of hallux valgus deformity. This shift is also associated with worsening degenerative changes within the sesamoid metatarsal joint."

“Ankle Prosthesis: Long-Term Results & Complications Unveiled!”

"The STAR ankle prosthesis shows promising long-term results, but with a higher complication rate than knee and hip replacements. This highlights the need for further research to understand and reduce these complications, aiming for more successful outcomes."

“Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: A Risky Path to Amputation”

"Diabetic foot osteomyelitis (DFO) patients face a higher risk of amputation and longer hospital stays compared to those with soft tissue infections. The presence of Charcot neuroarthropathy further increases the risk of major amputation in DFO patients."

“Revolutionary Survey Unveils Patient Expectations in Foot Surgery”

"A groundbreaking survey has been developed to capture patient expectations prior to foot and ankle surgery. This tool, which is both reliable and applicable to a range of diagnoses, provides a comprehensive understanding of physical and psychological expectations. It offers a practical way to guide patients' expectations and facilitate shared decision making."

“Ankle Surgery Success: Beyond Symptom Resolution”

"Ankle surgery success isn't just about symptom resolution. This study reveals that patients' perceptions of satisfactory outcomes often include coping with residual deficits. The conventional definition of 'satisfactory' outcomes should be expanded to include this important aspect."

“Falls Risk: Machine Learning to the Rescue!”

"Machine learning is stepping up in health informatics, aiding in predicting falls risk among older adults. By analysing gait, it can classify individuals as fallers or non-fallers, potentially revolutionising falls prevention efforts."

“Kids with Cerebral Palsy: The Hidden Struggles of Standing Up”

"Children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy face unique challenges when transitioning from sitting to standing. Their muscle weakness, lack of coordination, and poor balance lead to inefficient movement patterns, making even simple tasks energy-consuming."

Uncover Foot Pain Causes with New Pressure Pattern Analysis!

Foot deformities often cause pain and fatigue. Over-treatment can be costly and unnecessary. By using plantar foot pressure measurements, we can better diagnose functional problems and prevent unnecessary treatments. This could revolutionise foot care!

“Kids with Cerebral Palsy: Walking vs Running Differences Unveiled”

"In children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy, running and walking show different kinematic adaptations. These differences could impact both non-surgical and surgical treatment strategies, offering new insights into managing this condition."

“Revolutionising Spina Bifida Treatment with Gait Analysis”

"Gait analysis is a game-changer in identifying complex walking abnormalities in children with spina bifida. It's a crucial tool in maintaining their mobility and functionality, leading to improved patient management."

Unraveling the Mystery of Curved-Path Walking Skills

Walking is more than just a simple movement. It's a highly skilled motor behaviour that we learn and practice. The consistency in our stepping pattern, especially during straight-path walking, is a key indicator of mobility. Any variability could signal potential mobility impairment or even central nervous dysfunction.

Your Phone: A Lifesaver Against Falls for Seniors?

Smartphone technology could be a game-changer in preventing falls among older adults. By measuring postural stability, it can help identify those at risk, potentially saving lives and reducing healthcare costs.

“Healthy or Not, Your Gait Side Doesn’t Matter!”

"Whether you're young, old, or recovering from a condition, your gait side doesn't impact your daily life. It's not about which side you favour, but how well you can move. Keep stepping forward!"

Ankle Sprain? It Could Impact Your Balance!

An acute lateral ankle sprain (ALAS) can impact your postural control, affecting not just the injured limb but also the uninjured one. This could potentially lead to falls or recurrent injuries. Even your double-leg stance may be compromised.

“Toe-Walking Kids: New Ways to Measure Changes”

"Toe-walking in children over three years old can be a sign of underlying health issues. This review explores new methods to measure changes in lower limbs, aiding early detection and treatment."

“Stand Still, Feel the Pain? Blue-Collar Workers’ Dilemma”

"Prolonged static standing at work may be a hidden culprit behind the higher rates of lower limb pain experienced by blue-collar workers. This insight could be a game changer in workplace health and safety."

“Balance Test: A Key to Preventing Youth Injuries”

"The Lower Quarter Y Balance Test is a crucial tool in predicting the risk of lower limb injuries in young people. It's a reliable method to monitor balance adaptations during childhood and adolescence."

“Unveiling the Mystery of ACL Recovery: A Walking Study”

"Despite ACL reconstruction being a standard treatment, only 82% of patients resume their previous activities. This study explores the coordination and variability in the lower extremity of individuals post-surgery during walking, shedding light on the complexities of ACL recovery."

“Flat or Neutral Feet? Oxford Foot Model Reveals All!”

"The Oxford Foot Model provides fresh insights into the kinematic differences between neutral and flat feet in children. It goes beyond standing posture, examining foot motion during dynamic activities like walking, offering a more comprehensive understanding of symptomatic and asymptomatic presentations."

“Space Age Tech Spots Balance Issues!”

"NASA's early spaceflight findings of astronauts' imbalance led to the development of Computerized Dynamic Posturography. This tech can now detect balance abnormalities, a leap forward in podiatry."

Unlocking the Secret to Sprinter’s Power: It’s in the Ankle!

The secret to a sprinter's power lies in the structure and function of their plantarflexor muscles. Longer muscle fascicles and tendon stiffness, influenced by resting ankle angle and optimal fibre length, can significantly boost joint power and movement efficiency.

“Unravelling the Pain-Depression Cycle: A Podiatrist’s Guide”

Understanding the link between mental and physical distress is key to managing chronic pain. There's a critical gap in pain management knowledge across health care specialties, highlighting the need for comprehensive pain education in medical training.

“Beyond Pills: Unravelling the Science of Pain”

"Understanding pain's science can empower rheumatologists to manage fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions more effectively. It's about more than just medication - it's about comprehensive understanding."

“Foot Health: The Unseen Victim of Social Inequity”

"Foot health, often overlooked, is deeply intertwined with social determinants of health. The intersection of these factors can significantly impact foot health outcomes, highlighting the need for a more inclusive approach in healthcare."

“Knee Osteoarthritis? Discover the Power of Lateral Wedge Insoles!”

"Lateral wedge insoles, both standalone and with individualised arch support, have shown promising results in reducing knee joint load and pain in people with knee osteoarthritis. A simple, yet effective solution!"

Unravelling the Secrets of Foot Muscles in Young Males

This study offers a fresh perspective on the plantar intrinsic foot muscles (PIFMs) in healthy young adult males. It highlights the importance of these 10 muscles in foot functionality and diversity, and provides insights into their morphological profiles.

“Testosterone Therapy Ups Risk of Achilles Injury”

"Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been linked to a higher chance of Achilles tendon injuries, leading to more surgeries. This insight is crucial as TRT prescriptions are on the rise, yet there's a lack of literature on its potential risks."

“Leprosy’s Hidden Burden: Unveiling the Plantar Ulcer Crisis”

"Plantar ulcers, a major complication of leprosy, are leading to frequent hospital visits and stigma. The lack of data on the extent of this burden and its risk factors hinders effective treatment strategies."

“Bunion Blues? Non-Surgical Solutions Show Promise!”

"Bunions can be a real pain, but surgery isn't the only answer. A recent study shows promising results for non-surgical treatments, offering hope for those struggling with this common condition."

“Why Patients Ignore Crucial Steps to Avoid Amputations”

"Patients understand the risks, but often fail to follow the necessary steps to prevent lower extremity amputations. This study explores the reasons behind this behaviour, offering valuable insights into patient-perceived factors leading to such serious complications."

Unraveling the Mystery of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

The heel's complexity often leads to pain complaints. Understanding the medial heel's structures can help identify potential nerve compression sources, offering new insights into managing Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.

“Dialysis Patients: Unlocking Foot Health Secrets!”

"Unearth the untold story of foot and lower limb health complications in adults undergoing dialysis. Discover the missing link in prevention and management strategies, as revealed by this comprehensive review."

“Cracking the Code on Exercise-Induced Leg Pain”

"A comprehensive scoping review has been conducted to shed light on the vague term 'Exercise-Induced Leg Pain' (EILP). The study aims to provide clear diagnostic guidelines for this condition, which encompasses numerous ailments."

“Foot Pain Rampant in Knee/Hip Arthritis Patients”

"A whopping number of knee and hip arthritis patients also suffer from foot pain. Early detection of this common symptom could help prevent or limit the disease's progression."

Revolutionary Diabetic Foot Care System Unveiled!

A groundbreaking system for managing foot lesions in diabetic patients has been introduced. Developed in a dedicated diabetic foot unit, this innovative approach could revolutionise diabetic foot care, offering hope for improved outcomes.

Unravelling Foot Biomechanics in Stubborn Joint Osteoarthritis

This study shines a light on the impact of subtalar and mid-tarsal joint osteoarthritis on walking. It's a deep dive into foot biomechanics, revealing how these conditions can stubbornly resist conservative treatments and affect lower limb movement.

“Revolutionary Foot Model Unveils Hidden Gait Secrets”

"This groundbreaking multi-segment kinetic foot model goes beyond traditional gait analysis, revealing previously undetected movements and loads within the foot. It's a game-changer for understanding foot kinetics."

“Revolutionising Leg Surgery with Portable 3D Scanners!”

"Portable 3D scanners are transforming the way we monitor lower leg and ankle injuries during surgery. This innovative technology offers a simple and repeatable method for assessing soft tissue swelling, making it a game-changer in orthopedic and trauma surgery."

“Revolutionary Foot Therapy Reduces Ulcer Risk in Diabetics”

"A combination of foot and ankle mobilisations with home stretches has shown promising results in reducing forefoot peak plantar pressures, a known ulceration risk factor, in people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and limited joint mobility syndrome."

“Ankle Osteoarthritis: Unveiling UK’s Current Treatment Tactics”

"Ankle osteoarthritis patients often have varied non-surgical treatment experiences due to a lack of clinician guidance. This study uncovers the current practices of UK podiatrists and physiotherapists, offering a fresh perspective on treatment methods."

“Kids’ Lifestyle: The Hidden Link to Floating Toes?”

"Floating toes, a toe deformity, may be linked to children's lifestyle habits. This study explores the potential connection, shedding light on preventative measures and treatment options."

“Unlocking Foot Health: The Power of Supination Resistance”

"Understanding supination resistance - the external force needed to turn the foot - can revolutionise diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle disorders. Customised wedged insoles could be the game-changer in managing these conditions."

“Unmasking the Hefty Price of Foot Disease in Diabetics”

"Diabetes-related foot disease (DFD) is not just a health issue, it's a financial burden too. The cost is high, the complication severe, and the impact on patients' lives significant."

“Flat Feet Woes: Unravelling the Mystery of Moulds”

"Ever wondered why podiatrists take moulds of flat feet? It might seem counterintuitive, but these moulds are a crucial step towards understanding and treating your foot pain. Don't let the cost deter you - your comfort is priceless."

“HPV Rampant in Stubborn Foot Calluses!”

"This study reveals a surprising link between stubborn foot calluses (IPK) and the human papillomavirus (HPV). The findings suggest that HPV may play a role in the persistence of these tough skin patches."

“Meet Kathryn Lord: The Fresh Face of Foot Health!”

"Kathryn Lord, a newly qualified Foot Healthcare Practitioner, is excited to share her journey and learn from the wealth of knowledge on this site. She's ready to make her mark in the world of podiatry."

“Tactile Therapy: The Game Changer for Foot Health”

"Tactile therapy is revolutionising the way we approach foot health. The Cuernavaca study shows that plantar stimulation can significantly alter the structure of the Primus Metatarsus Supinatus foot, leading to improved balance and stability."

“Dancers’ Ankle Motion: A New Perspective!”

"Ankle injuries are a common issue for dancers. This study offers a fresh look at functional ankle motion measures, potentially paving the way for improved injury prevention strategies."

“Jones Fracture Woes: A Personal Journey”

A personal account of dealing with a slow-healing Jones fracture, offering a unique perspective on the challenges faced during the healing process and the contemplation of surgery.

“Stretcher vs Table: The Future of Foot Surgery?”

"Foot and ankle surgeries are often performed on preoperative stretchers instead of operating room tables. This study explores the efficiency and perceived safety of this approach, potentially revolutionising the way we view minor foot procedures."

“Folic Acid: The Unexpected Hero for Diabetic Foot Ulcers?”

"The struggle of delayed wound healing in diabetes might have found a new ally in folic acid. This unexpected hero could potentially revolutionise diabetic foot ulcer treatment, offering hope to many."

“Morton’s Foot or Rothbart’s Foot: Which Reigns Supreme?”

"This paper challenges common misconceptions about Morton's and Rothbart's Foot, sparking a debate on which condition truly has the upper hand. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of these two common podiatric conditions."

“Revolutionise Your Practice with Quick Custom Orthotics!”

"Discover the game-changing benefits of Raina's Georgia-based LAB, offering custom orthotics with a rapid 3-5 day turnaround. Transform your practice with these high-quality, functional solutions."

“Step into a Rewarding Career as a Certified Pedorthist!”

"The Academy of Pedorthic Science offers a flexible, comprehensive program to become a certified pedorthist. With 80 hours of online learning and 40 hours of hands-on experience, you can step into a rewarding career in podiatry."

“Minimally Invasive Retrocalcaneal Bursectomy: A Game Changer?”

"Exploring the potential benefits of minimally invasive retrocalcaneal bursectomy, a surgical procedure that could offer relief for those suffering from persistent bursa pain. The post-operative recovery details and timeline are also discussed."

“Step into the Future: Walking Pressure Predicts Bone Health!”

"Discover how the pressure of your steps could be a telltale sign of your bone health. This study reveals a fascinating link between bone mineral density and the dynamic foot pressure during walking."

“Unveiling the Secrets of Toenail Health with Ultrasound”

"Ultrasound, a non-invasive and painless technique, is revolutionising toenail health checks. It's becoming a go-to tool for podiatrists, offering a deeper look into the toenail unit, one of the most commonly treated structures in podiatry."

“Foam Dressings: A Game Changer for Chronic Wounds?”

"Polyurethane foam dressings are revolutionising chronic wound care. They absorb wound exudate while maintaining a moist environment, potentially enhancing healing."

“Foot Ulcer Care Revolution: 2024’s Groundbreaking Approach”

"A new consensus on foot ulcer management is set to revolutionise wound bed preparation, especially in resource-limited settings. This 2024 approach promises to enhance patient care and outcomes."

“Tennis Turn Terrors: Sudden Foot Pain Mysteries Unveiled!”

"Discover the unexpected link between sudden exertions and acute foot pain. This insight uncovers the mystery behind the pain that strikes at the top of the foot during certain movements, offering a fresh perspective on foot health."

Unravelling the Mystery of Kids’ Foot Growth!

This study dives into the fascinating world of foot growth in 3-year-old children, exploring the intriguing differences in length and width between girls and boys. It's a must-read for anyone interested in podiatry and child development.

“Textured Materials: A Game-Changer for Sensory Input?”

"Revolutionary findings suggest that simple skin surface deformation with textured materials can significantly enhance sensory input. This could be a game-changer in podiatry and beyond."

“Athlete’s Foot: Persistent Problem or Hidden Issue?”

Suffering from a stubborn foot issue that won't clear up completely? It might not be athlete's foot after all. It's crucial to get the right diagnosis for effective treatment.

“BMI’s Influence on Achilles Tendinopathy Surgery”

"Despite common belief, there's no evidence to suggest that a higher BMI increases the risk of complications in surgery for chronic insertional Achilles tendinopathy. This challenges the typical advice given to patients."

“Fibula Fixation in Tibial Fractures: A Game Changer?”

"A deep dive into whether fibula fixation impacts the outcome of tibial plafond fractures. The study reveals comparable results between fibula fixation and tibia-only fixation, sparking a debate on the standard of care."

“Screw Fixation vs Plate Fixation: Which Heals Heel Fractures Faster?”

"When treating Sanders II and III calcaneal fractures, percutaneous cannulated screw fixation may be more efficient than traditional plate internal fixation. The study found shorter preoperative preparation and surgery times for the screw group."

“Revolutionary Tool Predicts Athlete’s Return to Sport Post-Ankle Surgery”

"A groundbreaking tool, ALR-RSI, has been validated to accurately gauge the psychological readiness of athletes to return to sport after ankle fracture surgery. This tool could revolutionise the way surgeons and athletes approach post-surgery recovery."

“Revolutionary Ankle Implant: Two-Year Triumph!”

"Ankle replacements are on the rise, with a new fixed-bearing implant leading the charge. This study of 40 patients shows significant advancements in surgical approach and implant design, making it a game-changer in the field of podiatry."

Unmasking the Hidden Radiation Risks in Charcot Foot Surgery

While foot and ankle surgery can involve radiation exposure, it's crucial to minimise this risk for the safety of patients and surgeons. This study shines a light on the often overlooked radiation exposure during Charcot foot reconstruction, highlighting the need for more data and safer practices.

“Unmasking the True Location of the CFL Footprint”

"This study uncovers the accuracy of Lopes and Michels' techniques compared to ultrasound in locating the CFL footprint on the calcaneus. It highlights the importance of precise measurements in podiatric surgery, especially when dealing with healthy volunteers."

“Revolutionary Foot Surgery Tackles Hallux Valgus Head-On!”

"A new surgical approach combining distal metatarsal and Akin osteotomies offers promising results for patients with hallux valgus. The study showed improved clinical scores and radiological parameters, with a mean surgery time of just over 16 minutes."

“Lisfranc Injuries: The Hidden Foot Threat & Its Surgical Solution”

"Lisfranc injuries, often misdiagnosed, can lead to chronic pain and disability. Early treatment post-diagnosis can reduce these risks. Our study highlights the importance of patient-reported outcomes and foot function post-surgery."

“Unveiling the Risks of Distal Tibial Autograft Harvesting”

"Distal tibial autograft harvesting, a procedure used in foot and ankle surgeries, has been studied extensively. However, the risks at the donor site remain unclear. A retrospective review of patients treated over the last 13 years reveals the potential for morbidity associated with this procedure."

Revolutionary Tension-Side Fixation for Hallux Valgus!

Tension-side fixation in Lapidus procedures for severe hallux valgus deformity shows promising results. This method offers superior load to failure and fixation strength, potentially improving patient outcomes, addressing comorbidities, and speeding up postoperative recovery.

“Ankle Surgery in Day Clinics: Safe, Cost-Effective, and Successful!”

"Ankle fracture repairs in day clinics are not only safe and cost-effective, but also successful. This shift from traditional hospital-based procedures could potentially manage closed ankle fractures without the need for hospitalisation."

“Limb Salvage: A Lifesaver or Just a Costly Delay?”

"Limb salvage efforts, like minor amputations, aim to prevent major amputations and improve patient quality of life. However, it's unclear if they're truly effective or just delaying the inevitable, while adding to healthcare costs."

“Revolutionary Foot Surgery: Open vs Minimally Invasive”

"A comparison of traditional open surgery and minimally invasive surgery for hallux valgus reveals intriguing results. The study explores the effectiveness of both methods, offering valuable insights for those considering foot surgery."

“Bouncing Back from Achilles Ruptures: The Winning Strategy”

"The best treatment for acute Achilles tendon ruptures is one that prioritises the patient's individual expectations and needs. The focus should be on a swift and successful return to play and optimal functional outcomes."

“Achilles Tendon Lengthening: A Double-Edged Sword for Diabetic Foot Ulcers?”

"While Achilles tendon lengthening can effectively treat and prevent diabetic foot ulcers, it's not without risks. Over-lengthening can lead to re-ulceration and heel lesions, highlighting the need for careful surgical precision."

Revolutionary Talectomy: A Game-Changer for Foot Deformities

Simple talectomy, a surgical procedure, is proving to be a beneficial alternative to non-invasive techniques for severe neuromuscular foot deformities. It offers a stable, pain-free foot, with positive outcomes and patient satisfaction over a 10-year follow-up.

What to Expect During a Podiatry Clinic Visit

What to Expect During a Podiatry Clinic Visit If you’re scheduled for a podiatry clinic visit, it’s natural to wonder what to expect during your appointment. Podiatrists are medical professionals specialising in foot and ankle care, and they play a crucial role in maintaining overall foot health. In this post, we will explore what happens […]

How to Choose the Right Shoes for Optimal Foot Health

How to Choose the Right Shoes for Optimal Foot Health Choosing the right shoes is crucial for maintaining optimal foot health. Our feet bear the weight of our bodies and endure daily activities, so it’s important to provide them with proper support and comfort. In this post, we will discuss the factors to consider when […]

Exploring the Role of Podiatrists in Foot Health

When it comes to foot health, many people may not be aware of the important role that podiatrists play. Podiatrists are medical professionals who specialise in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the feet and ankles. In this post, we will explore the valuable role that podiatrists have in promoting foot health and overall well-being. […]

The Importance of Regular Foot Check-ups for Everyone

The Importance of Regular Foot Check-ups for Everyone When it comes to our overall health, we often overlook the importance of our feet. However, our feet play a crucial role in our mobility and well-being. Regular foot check-ups are essential for everyone, regardless of age or activity level. In this post, we will explore the […]